“Someone didn’t love you enough when you were little, did they?”
When Ricky Bobby’s son Texas Ranger sees his grandfather behaving badly in Applebee’s, he has the perfect analysis for it.
Of course that’s just a Will Ferrell comedy about the NASCAR circuit, but boy, doesn’t it sound like it might apply to someone else who has been in the news?

Yeah, him.
Grandfather Reese Bobby had a lifelong negative effect on his son Ricky when he told him that being first was all that mattered. If you weren’t first, you were last.
Meanwhile, grandfather Fred Trump told son Donald there were only two kinds of people in the world — killers and losers. He told the son he called the grouchy little homo the one unforgivable thing in the world was being a loser, so he had damn well better be a killer.
Fred died in 1999 and had been suffering from dementia for the last eight years of his life, so he missed out on most of his spawn’s biggest successes in television and in politics. And while that might be disappointing to Don, at least he died before all the horrific stuff about bodily functions came along.

Long before. If Fred were still around, he would be celebrating his 119th birthday later this year.
He’d probably still smell better than Donald.