“Yeah, I would testify, absolutely. I’m testifying. I tell the truth. I mean, all I can do is tell the truth, and the truth is that there is no case.”
Ho hum.
Regardless of what Donald Trump said before his trial began, the only way he was ever going to take the stand was if he was senile, insane or both.

So there’s hope?
There’s always hope. Trump took a few giant steps down the road to Wackytown Saturday when he told an NRA rally that his doctor had told him he was a much better physical specimen than former President Barack Obama.
Since it was the NRA, I’m sure there were more than a few people in the audience nodding in agreement.
“Well, duh. Of course he’s better. He’s a white man.”
There’s really one simple fact that puts the lie to Trump being a better physical specimen than either Obama or Joe Biden. There are plenty of recent photographs of them at the beach in swimsuits. I don’t think Big Don has been photographed with even his shirt off since the Reagan Administration.

I’m not sure you could get many Trumpanzees to agree with that one, at least with a straight face. Trump’s great exercise is playing golf and he never walks the course. In fact, on some of the courses he owns, he has been known to drive his cart onto the greens to minimize the steps he has to take.
Obama? He plays basketball and is still pretty good for a guy on the far side of 60.
Still, Trump’s claim is at least a matter of opinion. You can’t call him a liar … for that, at least.
But if he testifies in his trial, he runs the risk of perjury. When he says he tells the truth, he’s of course denying the more than 30,000 lies he told in four years in the White House. He might just be the most dishonest man in history.
So he would at least have to fear that some of the things he would say on the stand could be proven to be lies.
Then he’d have big trouble.
So no, the chances Rip Van Stinkle will testify are slim and none … and slim is sound asleep.