Let me see if I’ve got this straight.
Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, making him the first president ever to be convicted of a crime.
He will almost certainly still be the Republican nominee for president for the third consecutive election, although the nomination will come four days after he is sentenced for his crimes.

They’ll do this because …
They’re scared to death of the Trumpanzees?
Trump has secret photos involving the delegates and farm animals?
The only Republican they could nominate with any honor or courage is Liz Cheney?

Who knows? But if you listen to family members, being convicted on 34 counts has made Trump a stronger candidate than ever. His son Eric, who was never the sharpest tool in the shed, said his dad would definitely win now.
“As I walked out of that courthouse that day, I said May 30th, 2024, might be the day that won it for Donald Trump,” Eric said. “I’m telling you, I’ve never seen this country more upset about what’s happening and you know it’s a law of unintended consequences.”
Let’s see if we can get this straight.
Trump might be the most polarizing candidate ever. He’s certainly in the top three. Tens of millions of people hate him and tens of millions adore him. I doubt there are many people at all who are neutral about him or even undecided at this point.
Now just for the sake of argument let’s say his convictions were completely unjust, that Our Don did nothing wrong and should not even have been put on trial.
Bear with me here.
Eric Trump apparently is saying that since his dad was mistreated, voters who hated him will now switch and support him.
Eric, dude …
I have no idea what your IQ was before, but damn. You never should have competed in the Tide Pod Challenge.