Republicans might be the luckiest people in the world.
Also the stupidest.

As much as Trumpanzees and other Republicans are practically wetting themselves with joy at the thought of their guy being immune from prosecution for almost any act he might take as president, they seem to be forgetting on thing.
Their guy isn’t president.
The president isn’t even a Republican.
So theoretically at least, the guy who is president could call up Seal Team Six and give the naval commandos a list of targets. Donald Trump, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh …
Get the point?
If President Biden were to order all the Trumpanzees in Congress deported to Guantanamo, the only legal recourse against him would be for the House to impeach him and the Senate to convict him — without any Republicans in Congress to vote against him.
Horrible, huh?

So since we already know why Republicans are stupid, let’s look at why they’re so lucky.
They’re lucky because there hasn’t been a Democrat in the White House in the last 100 years who would even consider doing any of those things. In fact, that might be the biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans, between liberals and conservatives.
I can think of three Republican presidents for whom it would be something they would at least consider, and no, none of them were Ronald Reagan. Richard Nixon and Gee Dubya Bush proved in statements they made that they would consider it.
“If the president does it, then it’s not illegal.”
“The Constitution is just a damn piece of paper.”
Still, I’m willing to give them both the benefit of the doubt since I don’t think either one is/was an out-and-one sociopath.

Trump, on the the hand …
Let’s just say if he were president and two weeks before the election, he saw he was sure to lose, he would have no problem at all killing his opponent and justifying it by saying he was saving America.
So the reason Republicans are the luckiest people in the world is simple.
They can count on their opponents to act like Americans.