“Dear Voters, Please vote for me, thus breaking the Seventh Seal and incurring Armageddon …”
Trek Thunder Kelly of Venice, California, was one of more than 100 candidates on the ballot in the recall election for California governor in 2003.

If you don’t remember him or in fact never heard of him, it’s because he couldn’t compete with the star power of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Gary Coleman.
“Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Thunder?”
To be fair, I don’t think the Trekster (the Thunderer?) really wanted to be governor. He was actually an artist who ran his campaign as performance art. There are a lot of weird people living in my native state, but I doubt there are that many who would vote for a governor who promised to bring on the end of the world.
Still, it’s very obvious Kelly wasn’t a Republican.
Why? Because Republicans never admit the truly horrible things they want to do if you elect them.
Witness Donald Trump. When he speaks to his Trumpanzees, he brags and brags and brags that he appointed the justices who struck down Roe v Wade, but when he speaks to audiences that are slightly more moderate, he says he did what everyone wanted and put the power back in the hands of the states.
Project 2025 is another example. Thirty-one of the 38 people who designed it worked in Trump’s administration, and the ideas it proposes are little more than a Trump wet dream. But when confronted with Project 2025, Trump says he doesn’t know anything about it.
Of course, if you read Agenda 47, which is similar in many ways and more horrific in others, you’ll see a manifesto he will push with the ‘zees and fudge with moderates. Click on the link and read about it. You may not be surprised, but you ought to be appalled.

School principal would become an elected office, teachers would have to prove their patriotism to be hired.
Those are just two items in the horror show that is Trump 2024, but just as Peter denied Christ three times before the cock crowed, Trump will lie about his agenda hundreds of times between now and November. Of course he will. He is a Republican after all.
I have only voted for a Republican presidential candidate once, and that was in a 2000 primary election. My guy lost.
I never came close to voting for another one — including my 2000 guy in 2008 — for president, and I cannot think of any person eligible to be president who wouldn’t get my vote against a Republican this year.
Not even Trek Thunder Kelly.