“And while we’re on the topic of grandparents, let me tell you another Mamaw story. Now, my mamaw died shortly before I left for Iraq, in 2005. And when we went through her things, we found 19 loaded handguns. Now, the thing is, they were stashed all over her house. Under her bed, in her closet. In the silverware drawer.
“And we wondered what was going on, and it occurred to us that towards the end of her life, Mamaw couldn’t get around so well. And so this frail old woman made sure that no matter where she was, she was within arms’ length of whatever she needed to protect her family. That’s who we fight for. That’s American spirit.”

Has there ever been a vice presidential choice that made less sense than Ohio Senator J.D. Vance?
Presidential nominees usually pick their running mates to balance the ticket either geographically or ideologically, but it’s difficult to believe that anyone who supports Vance wasn’t already on the roster of Trumpanzees. He’s from a state Trump has carried twice by comfortable margins.
Maybe it’s the story of his grandmother who raised him and her love of guns. There are really only a few issues that go to the heart and soul of the Republican Party, and none of them matter to all Republicans.
Classic Republicans, the Ronald-Reagan-Was-God types, care only about smaller government and lower taxes on the rich. Reagan also believed Russia was our enemy, but Trump and his ‘zees love them some Putin.
Falwell/Robertson Republicans, who joined the party in 1980 and became the Christian Right, say it’s all about God, Guns and Gays. Abortion comes under the heading of God. In recent years the CR crowd has gone much more into the cultural issues, and in particular this time out, they have decided to demonize women who don’t stay home, give birth and raise children.
Vance in particular attacked the women he called cat ladies who never have children.

A particular target was of course Vice President Kamala Harris, who has stepchildren but never gave birth to kids of her own.
So of course Vance played up real women like his grandmother and her 19 loaded guns around her Middletown, Ohio, home. The Trumpanzees loved every word of it and no one even seemed to consider how dangerous it was to have that many loaded guns in a house.
Thankfully, there don’t appear to have been toddlers in the picture.
Whether Trump regrets picking the Bogus Hillbilly isn’t known, but it’s a fairly good bet he might have gone a different direction if President Biden wasn’t going to be his opponent.

You can bet Harris’s VP pick will make more sense.
And have fewer guns in the family.