GOP ticket looking like Weird and Weirder

“Vote early. Vote absentee. Vote on Election Day. I don’t care how, but you have to get out and vote, and in four years, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

It probably says something about our country that 90 percent of American adults who keep up with the news would know without being told exactly who made that statement.

Was there ever a presidential candidate — heck, a former president — who told people that if they voted the right way in the current election, they would never have to vote again?

Not till Donald Trump.

Weird, huh?

Maybe it’s cynicism on my part, but a part of me believes that Trump has to be sitting at home giggling that he can say these incredibly outrageous, un-American things and his Trumpanzees act like he’s still a great American who doesn’t mean what he obviously does mean.

Does Trump want to be a dictator?

Only on the first day.

Who would actually believe that, especially with all the love he has given to dictators around the world?

A Trumpanzee?


Then of course there are his loving comments about fictional serial killer/cannibal Hannibal Lecter. Whether Trump realizes Lecter is a fictional character doesn’t matter. Real or fictional, what kind of person refers to Lecter as a great man?

Possibly the kind of person who would pick someone even weirder to be his running mate. Ohio Senator JD Vance came to fame by exaggerating his hillbilly-ness in a best-selling book about how America makes life difficult for rural Appalachia.

By his own admission, Vance was once a Never Trumper, referring to him as America’s Hitler.

Eight years later, he adores Trump.

As much weirdness as has come out about Vance, including the fact he supposedly had carnival relations with a sofa.


Yes, I know the word is “carnal,” but using the other one puts more of an emphasis on Vance’s enjoying himself.

Then there were his comments about childless people having less of a stake in America’s future, and that when Democrats were in power, childless cat ladies were running the country.

Many Republicans are horrified with him and say Trump should replace him on the ticket.

It isn’t likely that will happen.

Why not? Because one thing Donald Trump will never do is admit that he made a mistake.

So look for the Republican ticket to earn this nickname.

Weird and Weirder.

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