Donald Trump is either the ultimate con man or he is completely crazy.
In an appearance on Dr. Phil’s show on CNN Wednesday, Trump asserted that if it weren’t for voter fraud by Democrats, he would have beaten Joe Biden in California in the 2020 election.
It’s one thing to pressure Georgia officials to “find” 11,780 more votes so he could “win” the Peach State, but California?
Biden beat Trump by more than 5.1 million votes in California.
That’s after losing by 4.27 million votes to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Actually, I don’t think Donald is crazy. I believe he is a man with absolutely no scruples who will do or say anything to get what he wants. He has completely conned the most disaffected among us, whether they’re angry, racist, evangelical or poorly educated.
In his Dr. Phil appearance, he took it way over the top, accusing Democrats of mailing out seven different ballots to their supporters so they can steal California elections.
“If Jesus came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, okay? If we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.”
That’s not to say that a fairly reasonable argument couldn’t be made for crazy. People who know Trump well — people who are related to him — have spoken of how he was absolutely obsessed with winning his father’s respect. Fred Trump pretty much said that anything you had to do to win was legitimate, and that if you didn’t win, you were a loser.
That’s like saying a silver medalist at the Olympics — second best in the entire world — is just a loser.
Or a team that gets to the Super Bowl and doesn’t win is just a loser.
If you listen to Trump rant and rave about the 2020 election, you’ll eventually hear not only that he didn’t lose the election, he actually didn’t even lose any states.
California? Stolen from him.
Massachusetts? Stolen.
New York? Stolen.
Washington, D.C., where he got less than 6 percent of the vote? Stolen.
Still wonder why Trump says he loves the poorly educated?

I think it’s because they’re the only ones who believe absolutely everything he says.
The one thing he had better hope is that they never come to their senses and see him for what he is.
Because they’ve got lots and lots of guns.