Is there anything Donald Trump won’t do?
Worse, is there anything his Trumpanzees won’t forgive him for?

Look at the picture above, taken during Trump’s completely illegal photo op at Arlington National Cemetery this week. Forget the obscenity of Trump, his campaign workers and the families and friends of those who died standing on their graves. Concentrate on just one thing.
Look at the fat man in the blue suit and red tie. Look at the shit-eating grin on his face. Look at his thumbs-up gesture.
Then try and picture another American president who would do anything that disgusting.
Joe Biden. Barack Obama. George W. Bush. Bill Clinton. George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan. Jimmy Carter. Gerald Ford. Richard Nixon. Lyndon Johnson. John F. Kennedy. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Harry Truman.
Those are the 13 other men who have occupied the White House since Fred Trump’s condom broke and allowed Donald to be born. Go through the list name by name and try to picture one of them doing anything like this.
Try to picture one of them who would call people serving in the military as losers or suckers.
Try to picture one of them who would threaten to disown two of his children when they suggested to him that they might want to serve in the military after finishing college.
Try to picture one of them who would babble about the Presidential Medal of Freedom being better than the Medal of Honor because you don’t have to be killed or wounded to get it. All you have to do is gain the favor of a president.

Try to picture one of them creating trading cards of himself as a superhero. I guarantee you can’t. I had little use for Gee Dubya Bush, but I cannot even comprehend him doing this except as the biggest possible joke on himself.
Trump could not have existed as anything but a joke in people’s minds until we reached a tipping point at which so many Americans were greedy, demented and ignorant that they could no longer differentiate between flawed and evil.
I had a friend who said in 2016 that Trump was just your typical flawed politician, but Hillary Clinton was the embodiment of evil.
If there is one thing that’s obvious in Trump’s third campaign, it’s that he is becoming more and more desperate. It’s difficult to imagine the Trump of 2016 or 2020 doing something that would make him look this bad.
There have been so many other missteps, though. Think of all the times he has praised fictional serial killer/cannibal Hannidal Lecter in speeches. All the time he rants about wind power or water pressure. Think of his attacks on his opponent Kamala Harris recently deciding to be black.
Nobody on his side calls him on it. When Trump said Harris got ahead in San Francisco by giving blow jobs to Willie Brown, runnuing mate J.D. Vance aka Hillbilli Vanilli said it was just jokes and good fun.
Of course, Vance has had to deal with his own sexual problems.

Mike, how many times are you going to use that cartoon?
Hey, it’s just jokes and good fun.
Civilized people are demanding Trump apologize for desecrating Arlington Cemetery, but Trump never apologizes. If he does anything at all in that direction, it will be to blame someone else and fire them. Remember the grin and the thumbs-up gesture.
Tyat’s all you need to know about the hog of a man who is running for president.