Trump wants to scare all the fearful people

“But the transgender thing is incredible, think of it! Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation, the school decides what’s going to happen with your child. And you know many of these childs 15 years later say, what the hell happened, who did this to me?

“They say, who did this to me? It’s incredible.”

I don’t know about you, but if my kids had gone to school in the morning and not returned home the same day, I certainly wouldn’t wait till “a few days later” for them to show up.

No matter what Donald Trump says, that just isn’t happening. Still, knowing how the Trumpanees see him as a paragon of truth, I would imagine there will be plenty of MAGA families greeting little Joe Bob at the front door saying, “Drop trou, son. We need to see if you still have a penis.”

Although being Trumpanzees, they would probably say wiener instead of penis.

“Aw, Dad. My teacher Mrs. Bobbitt says nobody is doing that.”

The Trump quote at the beginning of this piece is almost impossible to believe as something real. Except for one thing. Trump’s hardcore base might just be the dumbest, most naive voting bloc ever constituted, and the transgender stuff is aimed directly at them.

Q. What has 23 teeth, 19 legs and an IQ of 91?
A. The front row at a Trump rally.

Trump has reached the point where this is pretty much all he’s got left. The anti-abortion crowd got what it wanted from him, and if he’ll still have the support of the pro-birthers, they won’t be quite as fanatical in getting out to the polls. He’ll get money from the don’t-tax-the-rich crowd, but cutting taxes for billionaires isn’t a big issue to motivate the ‘zees.

He’s got the Christian Nationalists, but that’s something of a two-edged sword for Trump. At some point, people who truly believe in Christ’s teachings will see him for what he is — an imposter.

That leaves Trump only one way to appeal to undecided voters — FEAR.

Election Day is nine days off. Expect Trump to leave everything in our country covered with a thin layer of slime.

At least let’s hope it’s only a thin layer.

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