How can they both be telling the truth?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

This was of course a big part of the speech Donald Trump gave in 2015 when he came down that escalator amnd erupted on America like the creature that erupted from the belly in the 1979 movie “Alien.”

It would be easy to say Trump has had the same effect on America that the alien had on John Hurt’s character in the movie, but there is one real difference. None of the other members of the crew were rooting for the alien to win.

But there are millions of Americans who bewilderingly seem to adore Trump so much they are willing to overlook his flaws. He recently told a rally that he had never said “lock her up” about his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.

Of course if he said it once, he said it a hundred times.

And recently a rally attendee made a flabbergasting statement to a reporter asking him why he liked Trump so much.

“I like him because he always tells the truth.”

There’s certainly some dispute over the truth in Trump’s attitude topward the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Trump spent his entire term in office trying to repeal Obamacare, with the time he came closest blocked by one vote from John McCain.

But over his term and most of Joe Biden’s term, the ACA became m pore and more popular, with nearly 50 million Americans now enjoying health-care coverage under its protections.

So of course as the 2024 election approaches, Trump is bragging that he saved Obamacare and it would have failed horribly without him.

He always tells the truth?

Not according to House Speaker Mike Johnson, who said at a campaign appearance that one of the GOP’s first priorities in a Trump administration will be ending Obamacare, particularly its pre-existing con dition protections.

Does he always tell the truth?

Somebody’s lying.

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