A landslide is far more than Trump won by

Who knew Donad Trump won by such a landslide?

His spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said, “The fake news is trying to minimize President Trump’s massive and historic victory to try to delegitimize his mandate before he even takes the Oath of Office again.”

Apparently Donald and the ‘Zees were upset that Politico and the New York Times dared to say Trump’s margin of 1.6 percent over Kamala Harris, in which he apparently got about 2.5 million more votes was “massive and historic,” even though it was less than Joe Biden’s 7 million vote margin four years ago and Hillary Clinton’s 3 million vote margin in 2016.

In fact, in the 51 elections held dating back to 1824, only seven winners were elected by smaller margins.

For the poorly educated, that means 43 elected presidents won by larger margins than Trump.

Yes, Trump won the election. Yes, he is going to be president until J.S. Vance, aka Hillbilli Vanilli, uses the 25th Amendment on him to take over. I’m betting on sometime in 2026 when people start to realize that the Weave is actually early-stage dementia.

But a mandate? Not really, unless you understand that Republicans always claim a mandate when they win.

Sometimes they even have mandates. Richard Nixon carried 49 states and got nearly 61 percent of the vote in 1972, and Ronald Reagan did almost as well in 1984 with 49 states and nearly 59 percent of the popular vote.

Those were massive and historic victories, although to be fair, Nixongot some of his margin by watergating and dirty tricking the Democrats.

The Republicans will not only hold the White House in 2025, they will run both houses of Congress. The House is at least a little problematic, with the current tally at 219-213 with one seat in Iowa and two in California still unsettled.

That means they set the agenda. It shouldn’t mean abolishing entire cabinet departments or ending women’s combat roles in the military.

Of course, that’s what it means to them.

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