A way the ‘zees could have their own country

It’s impossible to run a country successfully when one political party looks for reasonable solutions and common ground and the other wants it their way even with the tiniest majorities.

We need to get past this or America as we know it is over.

The most recent school shooting was at a fundamentalist Christian school, and while they will try to paint this as an attack on their religion, the fact is the shooter was a student at the school.

Just as with all the other shootings, gun nuts will argue that their right to own guns matters more than your children’s right to live. Some of them will even say it that way, although their heads start ‘splodin’ if you start bring unborn babies into the picture.

Basically, to these people, you have a right to live until you’re born.

Then you’re on your own.

We have a highly dysfunctional country that is divided for government purposes in ways that no longer make sense. As I wrote in my previous post, the first national census mandated by the Constitution showed that in 1970 there were 3.9 million people in America. The largest state was Virginia, with a population of 747,610, and the smallest was Delaware (59,094).

That means Virginia was nearly 13 times the size of Delaware.

Since all states had equal representation in the Senate, Virginia had two seats of 26, a little less than 8 percent of the Senate with population of 19 percent of the country.

Compare that to the 2020 census. with U.S. population of nearly 331.5 million. The largest state was California, with 39.5 million people, and the smallest was Wyoming (576,851).

That means California is more than 68 times the size of Wyoming, and even in the chamber of Congress based on population, the more populous state gets screwed. It’s much worse in the Senate, where the 12 least populous states have 24 senators to California’s two despite having only a third of the population of the Golden State.

This makes the Senate an almost impossible hurdle for urban America.

So we get toothless hillbillies who have never been anyplace more urban than Cheyenne or Little Rock having more influence over national policy than people who have actually seen real cities.

Add to the the urban lunatics like RFK Jr., who apparently loved the 2020 pandemic so much he wents to bring back polio, smallpox and a host of other bad diseases by talling the toothless hillbillies and other Trumpanzees that they don’t have to vaccinate their children.

Actually, I’m OK with that as long as they accept two rules.

First, move to Idaho.

Second, stay there.

Heck, I’ll be reasonable. They can have more than just Idaho. We’ll give them a six-state bloc of contiguous right wing states — Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota. Call it Trumpistan and let them build a wall around it to keep Canadians and Americans out.

If you’re a Trumpistani and you want to go to Disneyland, you can do it without a passport, but you have to have records of vaccination, travel without a gun and don’t gave regular Americans crap about their religion or your sexuality.

I’m willing to be reasonable here and create a second group we would call Southeast Trumpistan, consisting mostly of the states bordering the Gulf of Mexico — Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Tennessee.

I know some of my ‘zee friends will whine about Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and West Virginia as well as the Carolinas, The problem with making those states Trumpistani is that there has to be a way for people in one part of the traditional USA to get to the other.

Those 10 states could be Trumpistani with a corridor crossing them where people could pass through unimpeded. That would give the ‘zees 24 states and of course they could have Alaska too for 25.

Half the country and sort of fitting that it would contain most of the states where young boys learn to be men with farm animals and family members.

That’s why we get to keep the name USA.

enjamin Franklin never porked goats.

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