If you’re one of the majority of Americans horrified by the antics of Donald Trump in the 36 days since he was inaugurated as president, you may think there is nothing that can legally be done about it until at least the midterm elections next November.
If you wonder why I include the word “legally” …
If a Democrats had been elected by such a small margin in the popular vote and then spent his first month in office enacting every wet dream of the farthest left end of the political spectrum, right wingers would literally be going insane plotting what Trump calls Second Amendment Remedies.
But we don’t do that.
Barring the two phony attempts on Trump last year and one loon’s attempt to impress Jodie Foster in 1981, Americans don’t shoot right wingers.
Nobody sane wants to see Trump martyred. As old and obese as he is, he’ll have enough trouble surviving four years, but that doesn’t mean he can’t do plenty of damage. Nothing will change the way the Trumpanzees feel about him, but I’ll bet there are several million voters who supported hoim. half heartedly.

I wonder how many of them are horrified to see a U.S. president with Vladimir Putin’s cock in his mouth — again. A U.S. president who lies and lies and lies about Ukraine’s role in the war with Russia.
How about a president who fantasizes out loud about attacking our allies, who changes names of mountains and bodies of water, who seems intent on recreating a white supremacist apartheid?
Or one who again and again calls himself the greatest president ever, who speculates on violating the Constitution and serving a third term?
Two years, huh?
Well, there is really no legal way to stop Trump completely before then, but there is a way to slow him down. All it will require is at least 3-5 members of the House of Representaives who have never shown any courage to step up and show some courage.
The current makeup of the House is 218-215 for the GOP with two vacancies.
Let’s assume Republicans win those two vacant seats and it’s 220-215. If there are at least three Republicans who love America more than Russia and who are in districts Democrats have a fighting chance at winning, men or women who are at least reasonably moderate, can be persuaded with whatever incentives to change parties, then Trump no longer controls the House.
A long shot?
You bet, but it’s legal, it’s moral and it’s worth a shot.