In six days, the Electoral College is scheduled to vote, to put its stamp of approval on the 2020 presidential election.

Will that be the end of the controversy that has been raging the past five weeks? Will Donald Trump finally admit he lost, as he reportedly said he would after the Electoral College voted?

Yeah ….. sure.

In the weeks leading up to the 2016 election and again this year, Trump insisted the only way he could possibly lose was if the election was rigged against him. He as much as admitted this year that for him to win, the Supreme Court would have to support him.

So Americans voted, seven million more of them for Joe Biden than for Trump. Five states Trump carried in 2016 switched to Biden, including Georgia.


Just today, Trump said there wasn’t going to be a transition because he had won. It was that simple.

The screen capture from Sky News has a cute mistake in it, but it’s more likely an error that their end than from Trump. I mean, he’s no Ken Jennings, but I don’t believe he thinks Poland plays a part in our elections.

Where there are going to be huge problems are with the 50 percent or so of Republicans who adore Trump. That’s roughly the percentage of Republicans who say Biden didn’t win and is trying to steal the elections. That would be maybe 15 percent of the population, a huge number to be going around angry and feeling like they were cheated.

The scary part of it is that an awful lot of those people are unhappy with their lives and feel like they’re being cheated by the system. Many of them believe in the Lost Cause of Southern Independence and it won’t be at all difficult for them to add Trump to their list of lost causes.

If we are fortunate as a nation, Trump will fade away quickly. I have a hard time believing he will be in position to run for president next time, and I think there is a secret motive behind all these shenanigans.. Ostensibly Trump is asking for donations to help with legal fees, but he has raised more than $200 million already and the fund is set up so that he can use it for almost anything.

I’m reminded of one of my favorite TV shows from the ’80s, “Moonlighting.” Bruce Willis’ character had a speech he gave in various variations:

“Flies gotta fly, bees gotta be …”

One additional line would be appropriate here:

“Grifters gotta grift …”

Say goodnight, Donald.

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