“If you don’t back the Electoral College challenges, I will do a number on you …”

I don’t particularly like Kelly Loeffler, but something happened to her last week that shouldn’t happen to anyone.

It was the night before her runoff election with Raphael Warnock for one of the two Georgia Senate seats, and President Trump was making an appearance for her at a rally in Dalton, Ga.

Just before Loeffler took the stage, Trump pulled her aside and told her he expected her support back in Washington on the challenges to swing state electoral votes. If she didn’t, he said chillingly, “I will do a number on you.”

So of course, the first thing Loeffler told the audience was that she would be going back to Washington to join the challenge to Joe Biden’s election victory.

Late Tuesday and early Wednesday, Loeffler lost to Warnock.

Later Wednesday, after the Trump-incited riot at the Capitol, Warnock joined most of the other senators who had been planning to stand for Trump in changing her mind.

“I cannot now, in good conscience, object to the certification of these electors,” Loeffler said.

It’s still shocking to look at still pictures and video clips and see what the Trumpanzees were trying to do. They were basically trying to destroy Congress if not the Capitol itself, and there were some in the crowd who wanted to lynch Vice President Mike Pence for refusing to use powers he didn’t have to reverse the results of the election and give Trump another four years.

It’s actually quite ironic. It’s tough to imagine too many people who had been more supportive of Trump, and it’s also strange to see a weapon that had been used against thousands of black people in the past being trotted out for maybe the whitest man in Washington.

I wonder if some of you had the same thought I had while seeing the Capitol trashed.

“We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

There may not be another person in the world who believes the ends justify the means more than Trump. does, as long as those ends result in him getting what he wants. He harangued Pence for weeks leading up to certification of the election, trying to make him believe he could refuse to accept electoral votes from some states.

When Pence didn’t concur, he became just another enemy for Trump.

Ditto for the senators who refused to join the Sedition Caucus from the House.

One of those senators, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, said people in the White House had told him Trump was excited and happy while watching the attack on the Capitol on television. He reportedly couldn’t understand why everyone else didn’t see it the same way.

After all, he thought it was making his job easier.

Today, Maggie Haberman of the New York Times reported that several White House insiders had told her Trump was telling people he was glad Loeffler and David Perdue had lost their Senate races. They hadn’t been loyal enough to him, so they deserved to lose.

Even if it did mean Republicans lost control of the Senate.

Don’t weep for Perdue and Loeffler. They get be called “senator” for the rest of their lives, and they’re both fabulously wealthy.

Nine-digit wealthy. No decimals.

Maybe both of them will remember that old saying.

“You lie down with dogs …”

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