It really is time to bury the idea that the original intent of the white males we know as the framers is worth keeping.

The truth is that they didn’t believe in it themselves. When someone asked Thomas Jefferson how long the Constitution would last, his response was one, maybe two generations.

Jefferson, who is considered by many to be the greatest mind of the 18th Century, hated more than anything tyranny against the freedom of the mind. And while historical revisionism os critical of him for accepting slavery and for owning slaves himself, don’t forget his statement that when he accepts that God is just, he fears for our country.

The fact is, our country was built on the twin pillars of genocide and chattel slavery.

When former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Moron) said it was all right that we took North America from native Americans because they had done nothing with it, he showed once again what a lunatic he is. Remember, this is the man who told a reporter that if he tolerated homosexual activities, the next step would be man-on-dog sex.

The reporter replied by saying he had never dreamed he would hear a U.S. senator use the phrase “man-on-dog sex.”

It was the main reason gay activists worked to create a new term that would come up when people Googled the senator’s name.

As for the native Americans, much of our Constitution was inspired by the Iroquois Confederacy, which was founded in 1142, when Senator Rick’s ancestors were still cleaning the santorum off themselves and their dogs ran and hid when they saw them coming.

Original intent of the Framers?

Slavery? Pretty much OK.

Women’s Suffrage? Uh, no.

Just those two are pretty much enough to dismiss original intent, but we should also look at the principle of why people living in one state should have fewer rights than those living in other states.

Fact is, they shouldn’t.

You’re either an American or you’re not, and the idea that 18 percent of the American people can control 52 votes in the U.S. Senate is just nutty.

One of two things will happen in the next 20 years.

We’ll transition to a system where tiny minorities don’t control the government.

Or we’ll split the country in two.

It’s that simple.

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