I was listening in the background last night as my wife watched CNN’s “Assault on Democracy” special on Donald Trump’s effort to steal victory from the jaws of defeat in the 2020 election.

The thief in chief

I try very hard to avoid television news and commentary, especially when it comes to Trump. Maybe it’s my age, but it actually makes me angry to hear Trump’s voice, especially when it is so obvious that he is lying. Reagan annoyed me some, but mostly because he could say ridiculous things and make them sound reasonable.

To me, the difference between presidents 40 and 45 is that I never thought of Reagan as Evil with a capital E, while I never think of Trump as anything but evil. When Reagan said things that weren’t true, it was usually misinformation. It was Ronnie making the facts fit his beliefs. When Trump lies, it’s disinformation and I always have to ask myself what he gains from this.

The most bizarre thing about Trump’s rise is that those who support him did so because they became tired of the sleaze factor when it came to politicians.

Say what?

Yep. Trump is on an entirely different level when it comes to sleaze. In fact, I defy anyone to name one thing about Trump that isn’t sleazy, slutty or shameful.

There is absolutely no way the “Access Hollywood” tape shouldn’t have been the end for Trump. By comparison, it made Bill Clinton look like someone who had taken a vow of celibacy.

With the possible exception of Newt Gingrich, I don’t recall a politician in my lifetime who had no ideas or principles other than what was in it for him personally.

But at least Newt had the shame to dissemble, to pretend that he wasn’t a complete sociopath.

This isn’t about Trump. I say enough about him. This is about people who thought there was anything good about him and that he could have any sort of positive effect on the country.

They are the real problem, and until we solve that problem, we’re just heading down that endless highway.

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