For those who are confused, a “mask mandate” does not mean a pleasant evening with the Lone Ranger.

It’s sort of a shame.

If it did, it might be easier to get the Trumpanzees to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

No, as most of you know since you’re smart enough to be reading this, a mask mandate is a requirement that people wear masks when going out in public and coming into contact with other people. With 100 million Americans still without vaccinations and the highly contagious Delta Variant spreading rapidly, it’s one of the only safe ways to attack the global pandemic that has killed more than 4 million people worldwide.

It is amazingly stupid — even by 2021 American standards — that trying to protect yourself and your loved ones from a deadly disease has become a political statement. Then again, the country that idolized Honey Boo Boo, the Kardashians and Donald Trump may no longer be capable of intelligent thinking.

My closest friend in the world has not been vaccinated. He says it isn’t a political statement, and I believe him. He has complicating medical conditions and is hoping his doctors will give him permission soon. I hope that’s true, because he’s at very high risk for the virus.

He lives in Southern California, and I am relatively certain that when he does leave the house, he wears a mask to give himself what protection he can from the virus.

As for people who don’t wear them, too many people see it as a personal freedom issue.

It isn’t.

One cannot say they won’t wear a mask because they’re not afraid of the virus. The fact is, people can have the virus and not even know it, meaning they could be spreading it to every maskless person with whom they come into contact.

Especially if they have also refused to be vaccinated.

At least some of the people who were among the biggest names who pooh-poohed the idea of vaccinations seem to have come around. That’s a step in the right direction, and although we may be past our first step in the journey of a thousand miles, we’re a long way from the finish line.

Republican governors may refuse to impose mask mandates, but they can’t step you from wearing masks yourself.

“Hiyo, Silver …”


  1. Connie Stringer

    July 29, 2021
    Mr. Rapaport,
    I never heard of you before today. I found your website, and I have read very little,, but from what I’ve read so far, it appears you have been fooled by the globalist/NWO/WHO/CDC/Democrats/Biden/Pelosi and all those who seek money and power. (Money and Power are not exclusive to the Democrats. You can throw in the Republicans too.)
    I am very sorry that you appear to be full of hatred for conservative thought, and maybe you actually hate “we” conservatives as individuals. IDK
    I know I cannot change you, but I hope to say a few things which possibly could make a difference in your thought processes.
    Ivermectin is a good drug to fight Covid.
    Hydroxychloroquine is a good drug to fight Covid.
    Ask yourself. WHY do so-called experts tell the people of the world not to take those medicines. Truth is this. Because it is but one part of a sinister plot to destroy humanity. I’m sure you’ve heard that from others, and I’m sure you think those of us who make that statement are conspiracy theorists. And, you probably agree with others who say conservatives are uneducated and live only for Donald J Trump. Not true
    Yes, he was a great President, and he would still be President today if the election had not been stolen from him, but my allegiance is not to Donald J Trump.
    I hold a BS in English and a Masters in Education. My friends are lawyers, teachers, scientists, biologists, doctors, dentists, and other professionals. We are conservative thinkers. We are fighting for the freedom of all Americans. We know the plan of evil which is set before us.
    We pray to God for deliverance. We pray for those who fight against God.
    My prayer for you:
    “Our God, and my Father, please send your Holy Spirit to Mr. Rapaport and open his eyes to the Truth of your Gospel. Please do not allow him to harden his heart as Pharaoh did when Moses told Pharaoh to free the Jewish people from slavery. Father, please show mercy on Mr. Rapaport’s soul. Please let him influence the minds of millions so that they too will be saved from your wrath which is to come upon this world. Father, I know in your word you said, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31, New Testament, Bible)
    Father, I pray for Mr. Rapaport to become your child and follow your word and your Commandments.
    I ask these things in the name that is above every name, Jesus, the Messiah. Amen and Amen”

    1. supportadmin_gh0d

      Thank you for your comment. I agree with very little of what you said, but I appreciate the time you took to write it. You lose a lot of points with your belief that the election was stolen. If there was a steal, it was 2016. I would never reject anyone who would pray for me, but I am a believing Catholic who considers Jesus Christ my Savior. I do not hate conservatives at all, although the ones who con people (like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan) may be in for a big surprise when their lives on earth end. I truly despise Donald Trump and think we were very lucky he was unable to steal an election he lost by seven million votes.

      Once again, thank you for your comments.

      By the way, you are misspelling my name.

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