I can think of very few circumstances in which I would cheerfully cast a ballot for Liz Cheney.

Still, I find myself with some admiration for Wyoming’s only Congressperson, who has been one of a very few Republicans who has stood tough against Donald Trump.

She is serving her third term in the House of Representatives, and this past Saturday, the GOP’s Wyoming Central Committee voted by a 31-29 margin to no longer recognize her as a member of their party.

Only one thing shocked me about the vote.

I didn’t realize there were 60 people in Wyoming.


Well, I’ve been to Wyoming, and when I covered Colorado State football at the University of Wyoming in 1987, there were more than 60 people at the game. Although some of the crowd had clearly driven up from Fort Collins to see the game in Laramie.

Seriously, though, Cheney is about as conservative as it gets. She’s arguably even more conservative than her father, the former vice president. Dick Cheney had a fairly progressive view on gay marriage, probably at least in part because his other daughter is gay.

Sister Liz threw her gay sister under the bus when she ran for Congress.

She was conservative enough to ascend to the No. 3 position among Republicans, but when she stood against Trump and said the election had NOT been stolen from him and the GOP should move on, all of a sudden she was a pariah.

In a caucus that included many of the worst people in politics, people like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Gym Jordan, Cheney was the one they couldn’t tolerate.

She’s probably in a no-win position. Even if she runs for a fourth term as an independent and wins, who would she caucus with?

There’s no way she’d go with the Democrats.

All she could possibly do by running as an independent is throw the election to whoever the Democrats put up.

It’s lose-lose.

Another victim of Big Don.

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