“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance, it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”
Can we agree on one thing?
If you believe in freedom, it can’t just be for you and the folks on your side of the argument. Freedom needs to be for everyone, and decisions are made by the side that carries the argument.

Republicans in many states are passing laws that essentially will allow them to ignore the results of elections and declare their candidates the winner using all sorts of lies and other dishonest techniques.
They focus on the one defensible part of their scheme, the idea of demanding proper identification from people wanting to vote.
I know I’ve been writing a lot about this subject, but it really is brutally important. There are too many people who believe less in democracy or freedom than in authoritarianism. Old Gee Dubya once said it would be OK to live in a dictatorship as long as he was the dictator, but he was joking.
Whether it’s Donald Trump, Tup Pence, Gym Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene or any number of others, you can bet that none of them would be kidding.
It has been said that we get the government we deserve, and if a majority votes for right-wing authoritarians, so be it. But when they win by unfairly limiting the votes against them, then nobody gets what they deserve and everything goes down the drain.
That ought to be worth preventing.