- NARCISSIST — a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.”narcissists who think the world revolves around them.”
- SOCIOPATH — a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
Sound like anyone we know?
I’m pretty sure I’ll never understand why folks on the lower end of the economic scale — and also the intellectual scale — seem to have been so bamboozled by Donald Trump. I suppose at least part of it is the “owning the libs” thing I wrote about the other day, and I suppose another part of the attraction is that he goes so far beyond acceptable behavior.
He doesn’t just claim he won the election and had it stolen from him. He says he won by a historic landslide.
The narcissistic part gets creepier and creepier. When he refused to attend the cremony at the military cemetery outside Paris because it was raining, one of the reasons he gave was that the damp weather would make his hair look bad.
Uh, Don …
Women worry about what their hair looks like. You’re supposed to be a man.
Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure I have never heard of a successful man in politics who spends as much time attacking women for their looks. Rosie O’Donnell, Carly Fiorina, Heidi Cruz, Mika Brzezinski, Megyn Kelly, Stormy Daniels and many others.
A certain level of narcissism goes hand in hand with being a politician. The only presidents I can remember in my lifetime without it would probably be Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. Maybe George H.W. Bush, but no one since.
Still, none of them measure up to Trump.
Being a narcissist doesn’t automatically make someone a sociopath, but there are certainly times they go hand in hand.
Maybe the simplest way I ever heard sociopathy described was that a sociopath considers himself the only real person in the world. Everyone else is some sort of lower being who doesn’t matter.
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a better description of Donald Trump.
I certainly don’t want to make it sound too much like Trump is another Hitler, but there is one comparison worth making. In the years after World War II, people didn’t seem to grasp why Germans — the best educated people in Europe — would fall for someone like Hitler.
As it turns out, when your life sucks, you’ll fall for just about anyone.
Narcissists, sociopaths …
Hey, Hitler was probably a psychopath.
Anybody who tells you that your problems are somebody else’s fault will do.
Trump plays that tune like a master.