If we really want to understand the Republican Party, we have to accept one thing.

There is really only one issue that matters at all to the party of Reagan, Trump, Greene and the rest.

Making the megarich richer and keeping them richer. Doing this by keeping taxes low on the top bracket and maintaining high levels of military spending.

Nothing else matters to them.

Oh, they talk a nice game about Americanism, about opposition to abortion and winning the culture wars. This is how they convince people who not only don’t benefit from their core policy but are actually hurt by it to keep pulling the GOP levers on election day.

Think about it.

Does Donald Trump care at all about so-called moral issues?

All you have to do to answer that question is ask what they consider important about Christianity. They focus on things like gay marriage and feminism, issues Jesus never talked about, and ignore helping the poor, Christ’s biggest issue.

I saw a news story the other day that said American billionaires had increased their wealth by a total of $500 billion during the pandemic. There are more than 600 billionaires in the U.S., so the gain in wealth is fairly shocking to have happened in less than two years.

And of course, anyone complaining about that will be told it’s a shame when people practice class envy.

Will voters come to their senses someday and see the flim-flam game Republicans are playing?

Don’t hold your breath.

If you’re a baby boomer, you may remember that it used to be a big deal to be able to call yourself a millionaire. According to the Global Wealth Report, in 2020 there were more than 20 million Americans who qualified.

That means about 6 percent of Americans are millionaires.

If you wonder where inflation comes from, wonder no more.

Too many dollars chasing too few goods.

And Republicans love it.

Outside of money and security — to protect their money — everything else is just bullshit.

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