When I was little, back in the days of Howdy Doody, Davy Crockett and the Mouseketeers, I used to ask my mother a question.

If there is Mothers Day and Fathers Day, why isn’t there a Children’s Day?

Of course her response was that every day is Children’s Day.

Whether that’s true or not, mothers and fathers do have only one day each.

One day less than Nerds.

Did you know there are two holidays that celebrate nerditude? Or is it nerdiosity?


And today is one of those days. Say the month and day out loud and you’ll get it, although you have to understand that the day is the holiday said with a lisp.

“May the fourth.”

Or if you still don’t get it …

“May the fourth be with you.”

And if you want to crank the Nerd-o-meter a little higher, this particular celebration of Star Wars Day isn’t even with live actors. It’s with Legos.

And while tomorrow isn’t one of the two Nerd Days, it’s still one that many people misunderstand. Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday that has nothing to do with sinks or mayonnaise.

Don’t nerds like mayonnaise?

Nope, not going there.

Nerds do like pi(e), though, whether it’s a la mode or with dozens of digits, and that brings us to their second holiday.

Pi Day.

My guess is this came from the equation to figure the area of a circle, which is Pi times the square of the radius.

It gives us one of those things that might be called a “Dad Joke” these days.

Someone might say “Pi r square” gives us the area of a circle.

Dad responds no, pi are round.

More nerd humor.

They really are everywhere.

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