“The Great Replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant concept that posits white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims, and other people of color in their so-called ‘home’ countries. The conspiracy often blames the ‘elite’ and Jews for orchestrating these changing demographics.”
— Global Project Against Hate and Extremism
Is there anything stupider than taking pride in whatever race you’re a part of?
I can think of one thing. How about believing whatever race you’re a part of is somehow superior to other races?
It might surprise you to learn that while racism has been around forever, the so-called Great Replacement Theory only goes back to 2011. It came from a book by Frenchman Renaud Camus and posited the idea that white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims and other people of color in their home countries.
It mostly spread through Europe until the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. That was when white supremacists marched while chanting “You will not replace us” and of course, “Jews will not replace us.”

The dirty little secret of racism is that it has pretty much always been a tool the wealthy class uses to keep the working class of its race from realizing how bad they’re getting screwed by that same wealthy class.
Basically it boils down to “Hey, at least you’re white.”
One of the leading spokespersons for it in this country is Tucker Carlson, whose show on Fox is constantly regurgitating talking points for the Great Replacement types.

Carlson is actually a perfect example of rich guys stirring up and agitating not-so-rich guys to make money off them. In fact, much of right-wing television and talk radio is getting rich off that exact formula.
Replacement theory has led to an appalling number of terrorist attacks around the U.S. and Europe in the last 10 years that almost always have white people killing Jews or people of other races.
As long as they can keep their minions ignorant and angry, they succeed and the world gets worse.
I have never spent one minute in nearly 73 years taking pride in the fact I was white. That doesn’t mean I’ve never felt lucky, but feeling lucky has nothing to do with a sense of accomplishing something. My parents were English on my father’s side and German on my mother’s side, but I don’t get any credit for that.
The whole racial thing is so stupid.
The irony, and the thing that has to drive the racists crazy, is that racial separations are breaking down. More and more people are marrying outside their own race, and there are more mixed-race children every year.

That, of course, will drive Carlson and the others like him crazy.
The world is getting more and more complicated.