‘”Slaves developed sequels that in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefits.”
Who knew chattel slavery was such a good thing?
Guidelines in Florida for teaching America history to middle-school students say children need to learn that their ancestors who owned black slaves cared so much about seeing that those slaves had good lives. When they would cut a foot (the limb, not the length) off a slave who tried to escape, well, they just saved that slaves half the cost of buying shoes.
When they sold a slave’s children and broke up families, they spared that slave from ever having to worry about paying for his children to go to college. Actually, they made doubly sure of that benefit by making it illegal to teach slanes to read and write.
When they forced female slaves to have sex with their master, well, that spared the male slaves who were exhausted from working in cotton fields all day from having to further exhaust themselves by having sex with their wives.
It’s truly disgusting how the libs keep stirring up the Negroes and refusing to let them see the softer side of slavery. They ought to be happy they’re not slaves anymore and they actually get pad fopr the wrk they do.
Look forward, not back.
It isn’t just black people, either.
College kids who get cornholed by their wrestling coach and then find that their assistant coach denies it ever happened learn several valuable lessons. First, that using your anus for purposes other than excretion is unpleasant, and second, counting on someone who wants to be a Republican congressman from Ohio to stand up for you is kind of useless.
If there’s one thing modern-day Republicans seem to understand, whether they’re named Trump or DeSantis, Greene or Jordan, it’s that no story is so ridiculous it won’t be believed as long as it’s what the people being told want to hear.
You work for minimum wage and live in a trailer park?
You can’t get laid?
You can’t even afford good beer?
Damn those libs. If you’re not black, female, gay or a foreigner, the libs don’t care about you at all. Our great President Trump is the only one who cares about white men. Especially poorly educated ones.
What do you mean Trump hasn’t done anything for us? That’s why we have to get rid of the libs. so they can’t stop him. And if we can get rid of the blacks, the women, the gays, the foreigners and the libs, we can Make America Great Again.