Trump craziness meter getting higher and higher

Has Donald Trump gone around the bend?

His latest comment about California’s water problems might be the craziest statement ever made in an American presidential campaign.

I suppose it’s possible he will somehow claim it’s a joke, that he was using his genius brain to make some sort of point, but don’t believe it.

Trump has been slipping and sliding mentally for quite some time now, and he tries to pass off his word salads as intentional, as somehow weaving all the different things he discusses into a tapestry of words.

Maybe the weirdest part of it all is the way he discusses a fictional character like Hannibal Lecter, a serial killer/cannibal from “The Silence of the Lambs.” Lately he has been saying Lecter is an example of the horrible people crossing our border into the U.S.

Of course that’s not how it started out. Trump spoke of “the late great Hannibal Lecter,” and went on to say “he’s a wonderful man.”

In case you think I’m exaggerating:

Trump and his friend.

I have to believe that the nominee of a major political party — a former president of the United States — would understand that he is describing a fictional character. On the other hand, as former presidents go, I would bet Trump has fewer living brain cells than 99-year-old Jimmy Carter. The self-described “stable genius” probably wouldn’t even be the smartest creature in the average stable.

Trump makes Gee Dubya Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar, which isn’t easy, and he’s clearly the most racist president since Woodrow Wilson more than a hundred years ago. His rtdiculous attack on Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio — who are in the country legally — says a lot about him.

If there’s one thing that could backfire on Trump in a huge way, it’s the two so-called “assassination attempts.” I know this makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist for the first time in my life, but there are just too many suspicious loose ends.

The first one is actually more suspicious. A rifle bullet supposedly clipped his right ear, but two weeks later there was no sign that anything had happened to his ear. In addition, Trump has never been a particularly brave man physically, but seconds after the shot, he jumped up, made a fist to the crowd and told them to keep fighting.

In Florida Sunday, no shot was ever fired and the “assassin” never got near Trump.

Still, if there’s one thing that shows Trump is an idiot, it’s that he is wasting time campaigning in California. Ib 2020, he lost the state to Joe Biden by more than 5.1 million votes, and this time he is running against a Californian.

It looks like Trump’s ego is completely out of control.

And it’s going to get worse.

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